Yarmouth Skating Club skaters take part in Skate NS gala and awards show

Author: Date of Article: May 3, 2015 Source: The Vanguard Website: http://www.thevanguard.ca/Sports/2015-05-03/article-4133607/Yarmouth-Skating-Club-skaters-take-part-in-Skate-NS-gala-and-awards-show/1

ElderDog has found new homes for 70 dogs in last 2 years

Author: Rebecca Hussman Date of Article: May 1, 2015 Source: CBC News Website: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/elderdog-has-found-new-homes-for-70-dogs-in-last-2-years-1.3058092

Village volunteers honoured for their service

Author: Date of Article: April 30, 2015 Source: Truro Daily Website: http://www.trurodaily.com/News/Local/2015-04-30/article-4130899/Village-volunteers-honoured-for-their-service/1

Rebel With A Cause

Author: Kaity D’agostino Date of Article: January 27, 2015 Source: Dal News Website: http://www.dal.ca/news/2015/01/27/rebel-with-a-cause.html

CRA preps for free tax clinics in Halifax for low-income earners

Author: Stephanie Taylor Date of Article: January 23, 2015 Source: Metro News Website: http://metronews.ca/news/halifax/1269132/cra-preps-for-free-tax-clinics-in-halifax-for-low-income-earners/

Homeville teen makes her mark in wide range of volunteer activities

Author: Yvonne Kennedy Date of Article: January 21, 2015 Source: Cape Breton Post Website: http://www.capebretonpost.com/Opinion/Columnists/2015-01-21/article-4015445/Homeville-teen-makes-her-mark-in-wide-range-of-volunteer-activities/1

Got a natural curiosity? Join us in the field

Author: Richard Beazley Date of Article: January 14, 2015 Source: The Chronicle Herald (Opinions) Website: http://thechronicleherald.ca/opinion/1263107-got-a-natural-curiosity-join-us-in-the-field

Love in a box

Author: Janet Wilson Date of Article: November 20, 2014 Source: Ottawa Citizen Website: http://ottawacitizen.com/news/local-news/love-in-a-box

Operation Red Nose season set to begin, but still absent in Vancouver and Toronto

Author: Matthew Coutts Date of Article: November 20, 2014 Source: Yahoo Canada News Website: https://ca.news.yahoo.com/blogs/dailybrew/operation-red-nose-season-set-to-begin-but-still-200053905.html

Ebola vaccine clinical trial in Halifax overwhelmed with volunteers

Author: Date of Article: November 14, 2014 Source: CBC News Website: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/ebola-vaccine-clinical-trial-in-halifax-overwhelmed-with-volunteers-1.2835412