Halifax event goes against the norm

Author: Bill Power Date of Article: October 22, 2014 Source: The Chronicle Herald Website: http://thechronicleherald.ca/business/1245638-halifax-event-goes-against-the-norm

6 fun things to do in Nova Scotia this weekend

Author: Carolyn Ray Date of Article: October 18, 2014 Source: CBC News Website: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/6-fun-things-to-do-in-nova-scotia-this-weekend-1.2804474

Turning good into great

Author: J. L. Hochman Date of Article: October 17, 2014 Source: The Chronicle Herald Website: http://thechronicleherald.ca/qe2times/research-innovation/1243858-turning-good-into-great

Feds award grant to child care centre

Author: Keith Corcoran Date of Article: October 16, 2014 Source: SouthShoreNow.ca Website: http://www.southshorenow.ca/en/news/now/74887/Feds-award-grant-to-child-care-centre.htm

Pop Explosion or bust

Author: Jacob Boon Date of Article: October 16, 2014 Source: The Coast Website: http://www.thecoast.ca/halifax/pop-explosion-or-bust/Content?oid=4438354

Local Project Lifesaver ready to go

Author: Janice Christie Date of Article: October 15, 2014 Source: Guysborough Journal Website: http://www.guysboroughjournal.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=88:local-project-lifesaver-ready-to-go&catid=42:front-page-stories

Bridgewater food bank opens doors for tours

Author: Paula Levy Date of Article: October 14, 2014 Source: SouthShoreNow.ca Website: http://www.southshorenow.ca/en/20141015/Lifestyle/74815/Bridgewater-food-bank-opens-doors-for-tours.htm

Art Happening appeals for public votes

Author: Robert Hirtle Date of Article: October 14, 2014 Source: SouthShoreNow.ca Website: http://www.southshorenow.ca/en/20141015/Arts/74862/Art-Happening-appeals-for-public-votes.htm

Long-time hospital volunteer turns 104 years old

Author: Paula Levy Date of Article: October 14, 2014 Source: SouthShoreNow.ca Website: http://www.southshorenow.ca/en/20141015/Lifestyle/74854/Long-time-hospital-volunteer-turns-104-years-old.htm

PET CONNECTIONS: Cats finally get their day

Author: Pat Lee Date of Article: October 13, 2014 Source: The Chronicle Herald Website: http://thechronicleherald.ca/artslife/1243395-pet-connections-cats-finally-get-their-day