Red Bear Healing Home Society
Organization Type: Social & Community ServicesAddress: Virtual office, Halifax, Nova Scotia B0N 2H0
Contact: Carla Conrod

About Us
Red Bear Healing Home is a non-profit society registered with the Province of Nova Scotia (June 23, 2011). Red Bear Healing Home is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors and managed by an Executive Director.
Building Respect for all Life through Sustainable Living
Red Bear Healing Home upholds the following principles:
- The Seven Sacred Teachings / Laws of Love ♦ Respect ♦ Wisdom ♦ Honesty ♦ Courage ♦ Humility ♦ Truth. Interpretations are available on-line by searching for The Seven Sacred Teachings. It is also now available on itunes.
- The Teachings of the Four Directions – see Rupert Ross, Returning to the Teachings
- The Teachings of the Sacred Tree
- Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth
Social Media Links
Red Bear Healing Home Society’s Volunteer Opportunities
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