Nova Scotia Remembers Legacy Society

Organization Type: Fundraising, Grant Making & Foundations
Address: Truro, Nova Scotia
Contact: Tiff Ward

Nova Scotia Remembers Legacy Society Logo

The team behind the Virtual Vigil: Nova Scotia Remembers, have formed a non-profit legacy society to continue offering ongoing support to families and the communities affected by the tragedy that took place April 18-19, 2020 in rural Nova Scotia. Through resiliency of our communities we will grieve, support, and move forward together.

This society will focus on four main areas:

  • Coordinated Wellness, Emotional and Grief Support – For families of the victims as well as other affected individuals and communities. Ideally involve collaborating with community and other agencies or entities to provide grief counselling support, group services and other services and events to support the long term needs of those affected.
  • Community development – Financial support for organizations in the communities most affected by the tragedy. This includes activities and programs aimed at growing the social, economic and identity of the community. This element would focus on the West Colchester area but also include other affected communities.
  • Education – Support for surviving children, named memorial scholarships and other educational scholarships, bursaries, and supports in the community.
  • Memorial – Develop and construct one or more permanent memorials.

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Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person.
Mother Teresa

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Truro, Nova Scotia

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