Halifax Community Chaplaincy Society
Organization Type: Social & Community ServicesAddress: PO Box 23180 Dartmouth PO, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3A 4T1
Contact: Coryn Stehouwer
Website: http://www.halifaxchaplaincy.ca

The Halifax Community Chaplaincy Society walks with those who are transitioning from prison to community. With a team of committed and trained volunteers, we assist former offenders with re-integration, by focusing on support, accountability and healing. While many volunteers within the Chaplaincy Society approach this mission from a place of faith; we do this work with individuals of all faiths, or no faith. We assist former offenders who wish to establish, or re-establish, relationships with faith communities. We support former offenders in building responsible, constructive lives, thereby reducing recidivism and contributing to healthier, safer communities.