Halifax Community Chaplaincy Society

Organization Type: Social & Community Services
Address: PO Box 23180 Dartmouth PO, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3A 4T1
Contact: Coryn Stehouwer
Website: http://www.halifaxchaplaincy.ca

Halifax Community Chaplaincy Society Logo

The Halifax Community Chaplaincy Society walks with those who are transitioning from prison to community. With a team of committed and trained volunteers, we assist former offenders with re-integration, by focusing on support, accountability and healing. While many volunteers within the Chaplaincy Society approach this mission from a place of faith; we do this work with individuals of all faiths, or no faith. We assist former offenders who wish to establish, or re-establish, relationships with faith communities. We support former offenders in building responsible, constructive lives, thereby reducing recidivism and contributing to healthier, safer communities.

Halifax Community Chaplaincy Society’s Volunteer Opportunities

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It’s impossible to be involved in all situations, but there’s no excuse not to be involved in something, somewhere, somehow, with someone. Make an ounce of difference.
Richelle E. Goodrich, Smile Anyway: Quotes, Verse, & Grumblings for Every Day of the Year

Contact Halifax Community Chaplaincy Society

Get Directions

PO Box 23180 Dartmouth PO, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3A 4T1

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