100 Women Who Care Halifax
Organization Type: Fundraising, Grant Making & FoundationsAddress: 5860 Livingstone Stree, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3K 2C3
Contact: Colette Robicheau
Website: http://100womenhfx.com/

We are a giving group that bring together 100+ women in Halifax who care about local community causes and who are committed to community service. We:
- Meet for an hour.
- Jointly select a local charity or not-for-profit organization (nominated ahead of time).
- Each write a $100 cheque to the selected organization and watch how the group’s commitment turns into a $10,000+ donation.
- Do that four times a year and witness how member funds improve the lives of our neighbours when placed in the hands of deserving grass-roots agencies working to serve the local community.
Social Media Links
100 Women Who Care Halifax’s Volunteer Opportunities
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