Shelter Movers Nova Scotia

Organization Type: Social & Community Services
Address: PO Box 27021-5595 Fenwick St, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 4M8
Contact: Volunteer Services

Shelter Movers Nova Scotia Logo

Shelter Movers is a national, volunteer-powered charitable organization providing moving and storage services at no cost to individuals and families fleeing abuse. We collaborate with local businesses and community agencies to support people, primarily women and children, as they transition to a life free of violence.

Established in July 2019, Shelter Movers Nova Scotia (SMNS) is made up of a growing team of dedicated volunteers helping to ensure an immediate and lasting impact on survivors in the province. With headquarters in the Halifax Regional Municipality and two rural extensions in the Annapolis Valley and the South Shore, SMNS offers our services to over 60% of the Nova Scotian population.

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Shelter Movers Nova Scotia’s Volunteer Opportunities

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Life becomes harder for us when we live for others, but it also becomes richer and happier.
Albert Schweitzer

Contact Shelter Movers Nova Scotia

Get Directions

PO Box 27021-5595 Fenwick St, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 4M8

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