Getting To Know Cancer Cooperative Ltd.

Place Type: Nonprofit Cooperative
Address: Room 229A Forrester Hall; 36 Arthur Street, Truro, Nova Scotia B2N 1X5
Phone: (902) 893-5362

Getting to Know Cancer” is an independent, all-volunteer, non-profit, virtual organization that has staff working in many locations. It was initiated as a service learning initiative by Nova Scotia Community College (NSCC) faculty, alumni and students, along with a number of other courageous volunteers.

The organization is academically supported by a large advisory board of cancer researchers from prominent scientific research institutions around the globe.

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Do all the good you can By all the means you can In all the ways you can In all the places you can To all the people you can As long as ever you can.
John Wesley

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Room 229A Forrester Hall; 36 Arthur Street, Truro, Nova Scotia

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Related Places – Nonprofit Cooperative