Sackville Community Development Association
Organization Type: Other NonprofitAddress: 148 Aspen Cr., Halifax, Nova Scotia
Contact: Charlene Whitlock

The Sackville Community Development Association (SCDA) is a group of volunteers whose objective is to make Sackville a better place to live.
In order to achieve this goal, a group came together in 1997 and recommended, among other things, to create a community celebration for Canada Day to try and boost community spirit and pride. Patriot Days was born. This multi-day celebration has now grown to include a skateboard jam, a teddy bear picnic, baseball tournaments, fireworks and a Canada Day parade, which has attracted more participants and spectators every year. Many we have also hosted Citizenship courts, where new Canadians are sworn in and welcomed to Canada.
The Memorial Rose Hedge is another ongoing SCDA project designed to beautify the entrance to Sackville. We maintain a Memorial Rosebush Registry in which we record names of citizens who have been honoured by the donation of a rosebush in their name. This hedge has now completely replaced a rusty chain link fence and adds to the beauty of Sackville Heritage Park. As well the SCDA is happy to lend its support to the Sackville Town Crier, Love Sackville, and the annual Tree-lighting ceremony at Acadia Hall. Finally, we are pleased to work hand-in-hand with other community service groups and clubs to achieve our common goal of making Sackville a hometown to be proud of.
The main source of SCDA funding comes from membership fees collected annually. The association operates under a Board of Directors, however, as with many organizations, we rely heavily on volunteers to support and achieve our goals. If you would like to become a member or are interested in helping out with any of our community projects, please fill out our membership form, which can be obtained online.
Our Objectives
The SCDA is an incorporated body whose goal is to make Sackville, Nova Scotia, a better place to live through the following objectives:
- Creating a more positive identity for the Community through a series of high profile, high quality festivities and events that bring credit to Sackville and recognize the spirit of its residents;
- Promoting the social and economic development of the community and fulfilling the needs and aspirations of its residents;
- Providing a forum for debate and a vehicle for the residents of Sackville to lobby and influence activities in the community; and
- Addressing any other matters as decided from time to time.
Our Structure
SCDA’s objectives are fulfilled by committees of volunteers who operate under the guidance of a Board of Directors. The Board is be comprised of both elected and appointed members with representation from;
- Interested community members;
- Youth and seniors groups;
- Residential groups;
- The political arena; and
- Community organizations with mutual interests.
The SCDA, operating in partnership with other local organizations, have accomplished many things in Sackville:
- Retention of the Sackville Visitor Information Centre in the community
- Establishment of the Sackville Heritage Park Advisory Committee and development of Heritage Park
- Expansion of the Sackville Sports Stadium and establishment of the Curling Rink
- Establishment of the Northwood Senior Day Care Cross-roads Program.
- Removal of the degraded chain link fence from the entrance to Sackville and replacement with rosebushes
- Establishment of the Second Lake Regional Park Association
- Production of Sackville Patriot days each year from 1997 to the present
- Production of the Sackville Millennium and 250th Anniversary celebration in 1999
- Production of Sackville Summerfest celebration in 1999