Lung Association of Nova Scotia

Organization Type: Health & Medical
Address: 6331 Lady Hammond Road, suite 200, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3K 2S2
Contact: Diane Grant

From our main office in Halifax, we serve all Nova Scotians with lung disease through help from generous donors. Our focus is simple: offer the best programs and services in lung health possible, advocate for better lung health research and put the money we receive in areas that directly help Nova Scotians live healthier and breathe easier.

Lung Association of Nova Scotia’s Volunteer Opportunities

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Wherever you turn, you can find someone who needs you. Even if it is a little thing, do something for which there is no pay but the privilege of doing it. Remember, you don’t live in a world all of your own.
Albert Schweitzer

Contact Lung Association of Nova Scotia

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6331 Lady Hammond Road, suite 200, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3K 2S2

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