
Organization Type: Education & Schools
Address: 2300 Gottingen St, 510, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3K 0H2
Contact: Thomas Pope
Website: http://eastcoastcareers.ca

EastCoastCareers Logo

Start Fresh on the East Coast.

Finding a job can be difficult. Ensuring that you have an excellent resume and cover letter that will stand out can be even more challenging. Whether you’re new to the East Coast, or have lived here your whole life, East Coast Careers is here to help you find and secure your dream job!

From free general career-resource templates to personalized one-on-one assistance, we’re here to help you every step of the way.


EastCoastCareers is looking to help individuals who have little experience for their resumes by providing them with volunteer opportunities that will aid them in acquiring and developing key interpersonal/technical skills. International students and immigrants seeking Canadian experience are encouraged to apply. This organization is a student-led start-up.

Volunteer positions may include:

  • Content creator
  • Social Media
  • Career Advisor

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EastCoastCareers’s Volunteer Opportunities

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The more you lose yourself in something bigger than yourself, the more energy you will have.
Norman Vincent Peale

Contact EastCoastCareers

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2300 Gottingen St, 510, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3K 0H2

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