Camp Courage, The First Responder’s Society

Organization Type: Education & Schools
Address: 281 Craigburn Drive, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B2X 3V1
Contact: Andréa Speranza

Camp Courage, The First Responder's Society Logo

Camp Courage is an empowering, life changing, award winning, one of a kind, free camp for young women. It is a registered charity that introduces women aged 15-19 to careers as first responders. Camp Courage provides information, inspiration and education, as well as, opportunities to experience the physical demands placed on a police officer, firefighter and paramedic. The ultimate goal is that the young women leave with a sense of empowerment and increased confidence to believe that they can achieve any goal, career or dream that they desire.
The camp is 100% free. The selection process includes writing an essay on how to improve someone else’s life that is less fortunate or on how to improve their community. Instead of paying cash, the young lady must do what she described in her essay.

More information can be found at including promotional videos, testimonials, wall of fame success stories and much more.

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Camp Courage, The First Responder’s Society’s Volunteer Opportunities

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You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.
Kahlil Gibran

Contact Camp Courage, The First Responder’s Society

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281 Craigburn Drive, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B2X 3V1

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