Cole Harbour High Sportsfield

Cole Harbour High Sportsfield Place Type: Soccer Field Address: 2 Chameau Crescent, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia Edit Whatever there is of God and goodness in the universe, it must work itself out and express itself through us. We cannot stand aside and let God do it....

Beazley Sportsfield

Beazley Sportsfield Place Type: Soccer Field Address: 19A Westwood Drive, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia Edit My old man says when it’s time to be counted, the important thing is to be man enough to stand up. Robert A. Heinlein, Between Planets Get Directions 19A...

Don Bayer Soccer Field

Don Bayer Soccer Field Place Type: Soccer Field Address: 134 Akerley Boulevard, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia Edit Caring about others, running the risk of feeling, and leaving an impact on people, brings happiness. Rabbi Harold Kushner Get Directions 134 Akerley Boulevard,...

Scotia #1Sportsfield

Scotia #1Sportsfield Place Type: Soccer Field Address: 12 Roseway Court, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia Edit Wherever you turn, you can find someone who needs you. Even if it is a little thing, do something for which there is no pay but the privilege of doing it. Remember,...

Mic Mac Sportsfield #2

Mic Mac Sportsfield #2 Place Type: Soccer Field Address: 1188 Micmac Boulevard, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia Edit Wherever a man turns he can find someone who needs him. Albert Schweitzer Get Directions 1188 Micmac Boulevard, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia Upcoming Events at Mic...

Mic Mac Sportsfield #1

Mic Mac Sportsfield #1 Place Type: Soccer Field Address: 1188 Micmac Boulevard, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia Edit This is the true joy in life, the being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one, the being thoroughly worn out before you are thrown on the...