Animal Welfare Foundation of Canada – Nonprofit Funding

Organization / Program Name: Animal Welfare Foundation of Canada
Category: Other Funding

Incorporated as a federal non-profit foundation in 1965, the principal function of the Foundation is to accept donations and legacies and to apply such monies exclusively to the benefit of animals. The foundation is interested in supporting, financially, projects and activities which will further the cause of animal welfare in Canada.

Main Address:
Suite #643 – 280 Nelson Street
British Columbia
V6B 2E2
I interviewed my dad on video in his final weeks. When I asked about his work and finding meaning through helping others, he responded, “I don’t think you can be focused on, ‘Oh gee, I want to make a difference.’ It has to be spontaneous. If it’s not…there’s some kind of egotistical thing going on. That’s a red flag. You hope you impact people on the deepest level you are capable of at the time. Sometimes you hit it, sometimes you don’t. You’re trying.
Lisa Shannon, A Thousand Sisters: My Journey into the Worst Place on Earth to Be a Woman

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Suite #643 – 280 Nelson Street, Vancouver, BC