Ocean View Continuing Care Center
Organization Type: Health & MedicalAddress: 1909 Caldwell Rd., Eastern Passage, Nova Scotia B3G 1M4
Contact: VolunTEEN Supervisor
Website: https://oceanv.ca/

Ocean View is a charitable organization that has been operating since the early 1960’s. We are pleased to be a trusted provider of a variety of services, predominately for seniors and others folks that need a little extra help in day to day living. Ocean View operates the very first nursing home in Nova Scotia to be granted “Accreditation” by Accreditation Canada in 1974, a standard of excellence that we still celebrate and achieve to this day. Between in care living and community supports, we proudly serve over 500 individuals each year through our 320+ staff and 100+ volunteers. Our vision is to be the “community of choice” for Nova Scotians needing support in a place they call home.