Nova Scotia SPCA Santa Paws Fundraiser

Organization Type: Other Nonprofit
Address: 15 Warwick Lane, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3M4J3
Contact: Judi Bell

The Nova Scotia SPCA is an animal welfare organization committed to the protection of animals from cruelty.   The Nova Scotia SPCA supports and promotes protection for all animals from distress, humane education and operates no kill shelters where euthanasia is only considered for mercy or aggression.  The NS SPCA operates a net work of six animal shelters across the Province, education services, animal protection programs, trap neuter and release programs and spay/neuter services for low income families.  The SPCA relies on community support to fund its programs.

Nova Scotia SPCA Santa Paws Fundraiser’s Volunteer Opportunities

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You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Contact Nova Scotia SPCA Santa Paws Fundraiser

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15 Warwick Lane, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3M4J3

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