Nova Multifest Society

Organization Type: Arts, Culture and Heritage
Address: Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Contact: Tina Rossi

Nova Multifest Society Logo

The Nova Multifest Society was established to support and celebrate our province’s rich tapestry of culture and diversity.

Drawing inspiration from prominent Canadians, and building on Canada’s vision to be a progressive multicultural nation, our goal is to bring communities together by supporting diversity, inclusion, tolerance and positivity.

Alderney Landing in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia is home to our annual Multifest celebration, an energetic festival of culture and diversity.  The Festival includes representation from Nova Scotia’s many cultures in the form of music, art, displays and lots of delicacies native to each culture.

As a society we want to support diversity in communities throughout the province.  We offer our experience and support to communities looking to establish a multicultural festival in their city or town.

By understanding and appreciation our cultural diversity we grow together as a province, opening doors for future generations.

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Doing nothing for others is the undoing of ourselves.
Horace Mann

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Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

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