Nature Conservancy of Canada

Organization Type: Animals & Environment
Address: Suite 337 – 7071 Bayers Road, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3L 2C2
Contact: Allison Lewis

Nature Conservancy of Canada is a registered charity and the province’s longest serving private land conservation organization. NCC works closely with people and communities to protect our special and unique areas and rich nature heritage for wildlife, animals and nature lovers.Since 1971, NCC has been involved in 110 projects in all corners of Nova Scotia. With 42 different protected areas, NCC has successfully conserved 32,200 acres of forests, wetlands and coastal shorelines in Nova Scotia through donations and land purchases.

Nature Conservancy of Canada’s Volunteer Opportunities

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Wherever a man turns he can find someone who needs him.
Albert Schweitzer

Contact Nature Conservancy of Canada

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Suite 337 – 7071 Bayers Road, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3L 2C2

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