K9 Partners Assistance Dogs

Organization Type: Health & Medical
Address: 172-103-278 Lacewood Drive, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3M 3Y7
Website: http://www.K9PAD.org

K9 Partners Assistance Dogs Logo

A NS based nonprofit that trains and placed medical service dogs to disabled individuals. We are a very small, close knit group. Our main program is training Mobility Dogs for Ehlors-Danlos Syndrome. Our other program places medical service dogs with survivors of sexual violence who have become disabled due to their conditions (ex. PTSD, mobility, brain injury).

We are completely volunteer run and always looking to expand out team!

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K9 Partners Assistance Dogs’s Volunteer Opportunities

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To ease another’s heartache is to forget one’s own.
Abraham Lincoln

Contact K9 Partners Assistance Dogs

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172-103-278 Lacewood Drive, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3M 3Y7

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