Halifax Fringe Festival

Organization Type: Arts, Culture and Heritage
Address: Halifax, Nova Scotia
Contact: Stephanie MacDonald
Website: https://halifaxfringe.ca/

• Participants will be selected on a non-juried basis, through a first-come, first served process.

  • The audience must have the option to pay a ticket price. 100% goes directly to the artists (government taxes notwithstanding.)
  • Fringe Festival producers have no control over the artistic content of each performance. The artistic freedom of the participants is unrestrained!
  • Festivals must provide an easily accessible opportunity for all audiences and all artists to participate in Fringe Festivals.

This is 29th annual Halifax Fringe Festival! The Fringe is 11 days, over 10 venues, over 55 productions, performing over 350 individual performances!

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Halifax Fringe Festival’s Volunteer Opportunities

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If you live only for yourself, you are always in immediate danger of being bored to death with the repetition of your own views and interests.
W. Beran Wolfe

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Halifax, Nova Scotia

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