Greyhound Pets of atlantic canada

Organization Type: Animals & Environment
Address: Middle Musquodoboit, Nova Scotia
Contact: Ginny Sweet

GPAC is a registered charity and a 100% volunteer-driven organization. We are always in need of new volunteers. You don’t have to own a greyhound and no experience is necessary. An experienced GPAC volunteer will provide you with any required training in any area. Volunteer opportunities at the GPAC kennel located in Musquodoboit Harbour, Nova Scotia, include turn outs, feeding, walks, one-on-one play time, and taking the dogs to spay/neuter veterinary appointments.

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Greyhound Pets of atlantic canada’s Volunteer Opportunities

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Unselfish and noble actions are the most radiant pages in the biography of souls.
David Thomas

Contact Greyhound Pets of atlantic canada

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Middle Musquodoboit, Nova Scotia

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