Care for Refugees Society

Organization Type: Social & Community Services
Address: 15 Catelina Court, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B2X 3H1
Contact: Elfinesh Zewde or Alan MacNail

We are a non profit organization whose main goal is to sponsor refugees to come to Nova Scotia and support refugees their settlement in the Halifax Regional Municipality. The organization run by volunteers. We are looking for volunteers to work in various positions such as: project management, program coordinator, administration work (virtual), settlement support persons,  social marketing/computer science person  (being a main contact person with our website developer and maintaining our FB page and creating and maintaining Twit & other social media accounts). All the work will be done virtually.

Care for Refugees Society’s Volunteer Opportunities

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The only truly happy man is always a fighting optimist. Optimism includes not only altruism but also social responsibility, social courage and objectivity.
W. Beran Wolfe

Contact Care for Refugees Society

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15 Catelina Court, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B2X 3H1

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