Affordable Housing Association of Nova Scotia

Organization Type: Other Nonprofit
Address: 221A-6169 Quinpool Road, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3L 4P8
Contact: Laurie

Affordable Housing Association of Nova Scotia Logo

The mission of AHANS is to promote access to decent and affordable housing through its development and construction, retention and upgrading in all parts of the Province.

Decent, affordable and sustainable housing is a basic human right and the first step toward personal, social, economic and cultural well-being and empowerment. The foremost concern of the Affordable Housing Association of Nova Scotia (AHANS), is the affordability, accessibility, and sustainability of the Province’s housing stock as a whole.

AHANS aims for strategic impacts on all of Nova Scotia’s housing: urban and rural; public, private and non-profit; from shelters to rental housing and private homes; and from new housing to the existing stock. We make the most of each opportunity by looking for ways to be broadly inclusive, multi-sectoral and multi-disciplinary. We are guided by the principles of ‘Do No Harm’ and the ‘Double Bottom Line’, believing that what’s sufficient is never enough, knowing that beyond the basics greater benefits can always be found.

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Unless we think of others and do something for them, we miss one of the greatest sources of happiness.
Ray Lyman Wilbur

Contact Affordable Housing Association of Nova Scotia

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221A-6169 Quinpool Road, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3L 4P8

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