Terry Fox Foundation – Nonprofit Funding

Organization / Program Name: Terry Fox Foundation
Category: Health
Email: info@terryfoxrun.org
Telephone: 888-836-9786
Fax Number: 604-701-0247
Website: http://www.terryfox.org/

The Terry Fox Foundation is responsible for supporting close to $20 million in discovery based research each year in Canada – all monies raised outside Canada must be distributed to (a) an institute approved by the Foundation and its advisors or (b) remitted to Canada. The Terry Fox Research Institute (TFRI) is a recipient of TFF funding for translational research. TFRI is an exciting new initiative whose goal is to translate rapidly today’s best science into better cancer treatment and diagnosis for all Canadians. The Institute will bring scientists and clinicians together across the country into a functionally integrated, geographically dispersed Institute with nodes in several provinces.

Main Address:
150-8960 University High Street
British Columbia
V5A 4Y6
No stranger to trouble myself I am learning to care for the unhappy.

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150-8960 University High Street, Burnaby, British Columbia, V5A 4Y6