Students: It’s Time to Volunteer!

Say goodbye to the freewheelin’ summer and hello to pencils, pens and paper (well… smartphones, tablets and laptops). Students across Canada are heading back to school this week – a time filled with excitement, new beginnings and a little extra time to kick around (for some).
University students, especially new ones, might be overwhelmed by the amount of free time (and freedom/choice) they have at their fingertips. No more are they tied down to the unforgiving schedule of high school. And, if they’re lucky enough (i.e., business students), they might have even been blessed with a day off during the regular week.
What should you do with that free time? Don’t waste it all away playing video games, sitting around, or even studying! You can supplement your education with real-world experience and skills gained through volunteering. There’s no limit to the types of volunteer opportunities that are available, especially if you’re a go-getter. A great place to start is here at Volunteer Halifax. We have a growing number of organizations that have come on-board and are posting their volunteer opportunities.
If you’re new to a city (like Halifax), then volunteering is a great way to put yourself out there and meet new people. The friends you make through volunteering could be the ones that will stick around throughout your time at university, and perhaps for the rest of your life!
Start making a difference today!