Nova Scotia Volunteer Rates and Average Volunteer Hours (2018)

The following table provides Statistics Canada data on volunteer rates and annual volunteer hours for the province of Nova Scotia. The dataset was released on January 26, 2021. Source: Statistics Canada. Table 45-10-0039-01  Volunteer rate and average annual volunteer hours, by definition of volunteering and age group
Definition of formal volunteering
Age Volunteer rate Average annual volunteer hours Median annual volunteer hours Total annual volunteer hours (x 1,000,000) Population distribution Percentage of total volunteer hours
Percent Hours Percent
Total, all ages 44.6 145 40 53 100.0 100.0
15 to 24 years 45.7E 54E F 3E 14.0 5.4E
25 to 34 years 31.9E 91E F F 14.6 F
35 to 44 years 55.1 98E 31E 6E 14.1 11.8E
45 to 54 years 50.0 173E F 11E 15.8 21.1E
55 to 64 years 42.2 F 47E F 18.3 23.3E
65 to 74 years 52.6 217 117E 13 14.1 24.9
75 years and older 30.3 161E F 4E 9.1 6.8E


Estimates of average and median annual volunteer hours are calculated for volunteers only.

Formal volunteering = A formal volunteer is a person who performed a service without pay, on behalf of a charitable or non-profit organization, at least once in the 12 month reference period preceding the survey. This includes mandatory and employer supported hours and amounts of less than one hour reported by organization. It excludes informal volunteering.

E = use with caution

F = too unreliable to be published