
Organization Type: Social & Community Services
Address: 439 University Avenue, Suite 300, Toronto, Ontario M5G1Y8
Contact: Nina

Kids Help Phone is a charity, known for our expertise and continuous innovation as Canada’s only 24/7 professional counselling, information, and referral service for young people. Since 1989, we have offered kids, teens, and young adults a critical lifeline of hope and support through our free, anonymous service, which research shows significantly improves youth mental health through our phone, Live Chat and Always There chat app. But technology is changing, and so must we – to create a future where every young person will access the support they need, in the way they need it most. That’s why we’re preparing to launch a 24/7 Texting Service using trained volunteers.

KidsHelpPhone’s Volunteer Opportunities

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In my opinion, he only may be truly said to live and enjoy his being who is engaged in some laudable pursuit, and acquires a name by some illustrious action, or useful art.

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439 University Avenue, Suite 300, Toronto, Ontario M5G1Y8

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